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logo for st. paul affordable community housing society

Our Mission - A Hand UP Not a Hand OUT

Empowering homeownership for families in our community through an affordable rent-to-own program.


St Paul Affordable Community Housing Society (SPACH), is dedicated to making home ownership a reality for deserving individuals in our community.


Our goal is to empower individuals to achieve the dream of owning a home through financial responsibility and community service.


Click on the 'Apply Now' page to learn more.


The society got its beginning in 2003 when Dick Wirges, a realtor in St Paul, became aware of a grant available through the Alberta Real Estate Foundation to provide affordable housing in the province.  He applied for and received a $30,000 grant.
The group continued to exist because Servus Credit Union in St Paul, AB sold a parcel of land they owned to the Town of St Paul with a condition that several lots be made available for affordable housing.
Over the years, SPACH and other local groups, have expressed interest in accessing these lots.  With the national publicity over the past year around lack of affordable housing, the time was right.  Last fall, SPACH's proposal to the town received council approval.
Today, with your support, we are poised to provide two more modest new homes for two more very deserving low-income local families, with future plans for two additional homes next year.

SPACH - Empowering Lives

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